First Congregational Church of Lincoln, Maine
United Church of Christ
Who We Are
(Article I, Constitution and Bylaws)
This Church shall be called the First Congregational Church of Lincoln, Maine in the County of Penobscot and the State of Maine. This Church is a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Maine.
The church was gathered in 1831 by the Maine Missionary Society of the Congregational Church.
(Article IV, Constitution and Bylaws)
The members of this Church do mutually Covenant and confess God is our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ as only begotten Son of God and is our Savior and Master, and the Holy Spirit who is our Comforter and Guide. We promise, God being our helper, to walk and work together in true Christian Fellowship; to be obedient to the teachings of Jesus Christ as are revealed in the Holy Scriptures; to follow the Constitution and By-laws of this Church; and to give of our best to the work, welfare and support of this Church as it endeavors to build Christian character, a better community, fellowship among all people, and the Kingdom of God on earth through the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ and conscientious Christian living and service.
What We Believe
What We Do
Mission Statement
(Article II, Constitution and Bylaws)
As people gathering in fellowship at the First Congregational Church of Lincoln, Maine, it shall be our mission to worship God, to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to celebrate the Sacraments; to practice Christian fellowship and unity in this Church community and beyond; and to strive for righteousness, just, peace and love.
(Article III, Constitution and Bylaws)
This Church shall maintain its ecclesiastical and fraternal membership in the Katahdin Association and the Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ.